Seated on a small chair lifting a small cup of tea to wash down one his two creamy fruit tea scone, he turns looks at me smiling and then with concern he says “Dad how come you don’t have a bun?”. I smile and inform him that they were not enough for everyone. He then takes one from his small side plate, stretches it in my direction and says…. “You can have one of mine”. I was completely stunned. I reach out wondering whether he’ll changeĀ his mind midway knowing how much he enjoys the scone. I pick the scone and the boy turns back to his cup and continues having tea.
To say the least am overwhelmed, my brain is still trying to figure what has just happened and my heart has melted…completely. I feel the full impact of pure love. Its an action, its rich, powerful, genuine and SELFLESS and has no need for explanations. Its expensive since its price is the sacrifice of ones comfort. While children show no hesitation, adults….well….we are still learning to be vulnerable.
I break a small piece from the tea scone and hand it back to my son. “Thanks dad” he says smiling as he sinks his teeth into his creamy tea scone.